

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. My little sister is visiting me here in Chicago for the week and we've been spending lots of quality time exploring the city and hanging out. In the spirit of Thanksgiving I hope you will take a moment to hear about a campaign that I am working on. 

Many of you have heard me talk about Carey Sims. Carey has been my vocal coach, mentor and friend for several years now. You may also know he produced my record and can be heard singing backup on it as well.  This year Carey has encountered some vocal problems. The doctor thinks he will be able to recover but it will require him to not use his voice for an extended period of time. Carey makes his living as full time musician and yoga instructor - both of these activities require vocal use. 

If Carey does not teach a yoga class or sing a gig then he does not get paid. To help him navigate this period without income, as well as medical bills he may incur I've launched a GoFundMe campaign. All the money raised will go directly to Carey. Please take a moment to learn more about Carey and what you can do to help below. I appreciate any time you may give this, even if you are unable to donate just sharing the link is helpful!

Let's help this fantastic human being!

CLICK HERE --->    

Peace and Love,
